Supporter Spotlight


Atlanta Chapter of Pierians, Incorporated

The Urban Youth Harp Ensemble success is attributed to community support from individual supporters, funding civic organizations and foundations, and grants from government entities. A longtime supporter of Urban Youth Harp Ensemble (UYHE) is the Atlanta Chapter of Pierians, Incorporated. The Chapter has supported our organization for 10 years, funding in-school and after-school initiatives, as well as assisting with the purchase of harp. The support goes further, as members of the chapter make personal donations, over and beyond funding from the chapter. 

The Atlanta chapter has made a commitment to furthering the arts in our community and has committed to giving children the opportunity to play the hap and further expose them to the fine arts. Chapter members are able to see first-hand student accomplishments, when members of the Honor Ensemble perform at Pierian events or during annual concerts. 

Urban Youth Harp Ensemble looks forward to continuing the partnership with The Pierians, as we strive to serve more students by expanding our reach through the after-school program and summer programs.